Saturday, January 10, 2015

Wynn, PA- Wynn Coke Works

The Wynn Coke Works contains one bank of beehive coke ovens in mostly very good condition. Dating back to around 1887, but definitely rehabilitated at various points afterward, the Wynn Coke Works were constructed by W.W. Laughead & Company. In 1889 the Wynn Plant was purchased by John William Moore, a man who was involved in many other interests in the Connellsville Coke Region. Moore interests in the coke industry date back to 1873 when he was in a partnership that built the Summit Coke Works near Everson. Six years later Moore purchased the Redstone Coke Works south of Uniontown and after that, in 1879, he built the famed Mammoth Coke Works near Mount Pleasant. 


On August 23, 1889, Moore sold all of his coke interests to the H.C. Frick Coke Company. John William Moore died on February 19, 1893. 


In 1901 the Wynn Coke Works contained 130 ovens. In 1921 there were 300. Frick ran the mine and coke works until 1926. The mine was shut down but the coke works were used as late as the 1950's by the Ruane Coal and Coke Company. 


Heading back to the ovens. I don't like the looks of this bulldozer sitting there.

Incredible condition!!

These were some sort of byproduct ovens. I'm not sure if the heat or gasses were recycled or both.

Old quenching hose.


A little grown in further down the bank but absolutely nothing to complain about.

Big piece of coke.

Of course we have trees growing out of a couple. Why do trees like growing out of coke ovens? The world may never know.

This one's just perfect.

The end of the bank is just built right into the hillside.

Looking down the hillside.

This large brick silo was behind the bank.


1 comment:

  1. I have 1958 pictures of Wynn Coke ovens where my grandfather worked. Can they be given to the Fayette County Historical Society.
