Saturday, March 2, 2013

Atlantic No.2 Mine and Coke Works-Atlantic, PA

The Atlantic No. 2 Coke Works contain one battery of block ovens and one battery of bank ovens. These were constructed in 1903 and closed in the 1930's. There are also a few foundations from old mine buildings scattered around.

These ovens are interesting. I'm not sure what the smaller, lower one on the right is.

Inside of the smaller one.

Bank ovens.

Rungs on one of the block ovens.

Someone is doing something interesting with this oven. The stacked brick tower, bag of quickcrete, and buckets make for some nice home improvements.

The stacked brick tower.

A little bit of remaining hardware.

I like the way the wall separated from the oven.

A tree growing out of one of the blocks.

Foundations from mine buildings.

I'm not sure what this is about.

Footers for the tipple.

One of the mine dumps.

Possible cap for one of the shafts.

The other mine dump.

A view of the block ovens taken from the banks.

Railroad tie.

This is one of the more interesting things out there. There are these giant boulders that appear to be made out of coke ash or slag. It's the same material that can often be found in the bottoms of the ovens. I've seen chunks of this at other sites but nothing this big.

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